Entradas populares

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

Her life

Situation: alone, not pretty, poor, sad, shy, expectations, naive, young...
Suddenly: heritage, money, bog house, handsome boyfriend, husband, blissfully happy, bliend, love, everything...
The truth: lives, infidelity, wominazer, debt, dispair...

After waiting falsehood, betrayal...
Now: Alone, not pretty, poor, sad, shy, no spectations, naive, old...

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011


"Come on kids, You must not play or touch the things that aren't yours, You ought to ask for permission from the owner..." Repeated again and again the teacher. Then she took a Luis' toy from his hands. "And why isn't she asking me for permission?" Luis confusing thought.

sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2011

Is better to stay at home!!

Maria had always lived with her parents. She dreamed to go out home and when she was 18 years old, she said goodbye and she rent a house.
At first, she loved his house but gradually she felt very alone. She didn't had time because she wast all her time in cleaning, washing and buying things to the house.

A few weeks later, She called his mother and she apologized to her but she said:

"it's true that you are 18 years old, but if you want back to home, you should stay in YOUR home 1 month more, because you should learn to survive"

You decide...

He  never wanted hurt me, he said me that he loved me, he didn't want hit me, he never wanted kill me...

viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011

Become independent

The first day in my own flat I only saw benefits. Freedom, happiness, parties, alcohol, no parents, no timetable, no family fights. But the real truth is that I only have bill slavery, sadness, housework, hangover, loneliness, punctuality, roommate’s fights…

A hard decision

If you’d have a knife and the murderer of your mother in front of you…. Would you kill him? Even more, if the murderer is your own father, what would you do? Would you be pleased if he went to prison? Could you forgive him?

I couldn´t… I killed him…

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011


"How many times do I have to tell you not answer me?  Well, have you broken the lamp?"
The child was silent.

miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011


-          Mark, we have to buy eggs, tomatoes...
-          Eat me!
-          What´s this? I hear something like a voice in a cave. Are you Mark?
Sarah went to the counter and picked up some potatoes when suddenly a banana said to her:
-          Eat me!

The terrible enemy

-          Who are you?
-          I´m your worst nightmare. Since you were a child my only mention causes on you the vomit.
-          Yes....but, who are you?
-          I´m Ms Broccoli

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

Is this really learning?

All people say that you learn what you are interested in, I think is very depressing that the international word are not peace or international culture and all the people around the world know what is the meaning of “your fucker mother”.

Stupid girl

In Ecuador when someone is 15 years old they celebrate an overhead event. Jasmin’s parents  gave her a cruise around the world. Jasmin met a fantastic boy and from the first moment she felt in love with him. Everyday, he put a red rose in her door and she sighed when she saw that. Last day they decided to make love, when Jasmin felt  asleep she thought  that that moment was the most important one in her live. When she woke up, the boy wasn’t there. She went to the door to take the rose, but this rose was black and put a note that said “welcome to the SIDA world”

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011


Tom and Harry were fishing. “Harry, swordfish is for me, for yo the hammerhead.” Said Tom with great enthusiasm.The two fish out of water, got into the boat and life or death challenged the two boys.


“Ey trifle salt, how about? You know, I can do mourn the human.” Said the onion proudly.”Really? I can kill them. Bye loser.” Said the salt satisfied.