Entradas populares

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011


"Come on kids, You must not play or touch the things that aren't yours, You ought to ask for permission from the owner..." Repeated again and again the teacher. Then she took a Luis' toy from his hands. "And why isn't she asking me for permission?" Luis confusing thought.

7 comentarios:

  1. I have found several grammar mistakes in this story. (Check the verb tenses). And, in fact, because of that, I haven´t been able to understand it. I don´t catch it, sorry!

  2. I agree with Alexandra. You have several grammar mistakes like: "And why not she asking me permission?". You forgot the auxiliar and when you use ask and permission you shoul use ask FOR permission to do something, so I think the correct sentence is:
    And why isn´t she asking me for permission?

  3. I also haven´t been able to understand..
    It is absolutely open ending..!!


  4. I think is a good story. Children learn for what they see. The teacher told them to ask for permission to pick things up but then she didn't do it. That makes the child is confused, thinking about which situations it's necessary to ask for permission and in which not.

  5. thank you for the corrections... :)
    the aim about the story is the Gemma's comment.

  6. Ana; good work!
    The story is funny and I have to say that the message is very clear. In addition you are playing with children innocent so because of that it really works the story.

  7. good, mostly because of the fact that teachers should be the best example for students.
