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viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011

Become independent

The first day in my own flat I only saw benefits. Freedom, happiness, parties, alcohol, no parents, no timetable, no family fights. But the real truth is that I only have bill slavery, sadness, housework, hangover, loneliness, punctuality, roommate’s fights…

7 comentarios:

  1. true!it could be based on someone life. Good conclusion.

  2. I love this story!
    You've uesd the comparisons perfectly!

  3. I like it! Good idea to use contrast with the vocabulary! =)

  4. Is the reality when you leave your parent´s house, Natalia, I would put pictures or photos to represent the words.
    The contrast is the best.


  5. Peferctly use of description. This story makes you rethink about removals to single´s flat.
    I like this story!,good work!

  6. a first day living alone... It remember myself xd
    I like it natalia, good work and good description!

  7. This remind me one thing, sweet home with my parents =)
